My memory is fading. Which is sort of concerning, since I’m only thirty. I like to tell myself that it’s not failing and that my brain is just occupied with more important information like precise movie quotes and the perfect comeback to something someone said to me a week ago.

While my medial temporal lobe is retroactively providing and storing the perfect retort to Susan’s snarky statement (damn you, Susan!), I figured I’d might as well utilize my handy-dandy (and completely abandoned) blog to house some amusing stories about my life and relationships in case I forget, or become wickedly famous and people want to know how it all began.

To start, you should know a little about me.

I am an introvert.

“Whaaaaat?” You ask?

Yes, it’s true.

My perfect date night involves staying at home, watching a movie, drinking a beer and with no sudden noises.

Sometime’s when I’m feeling spunky I’ll drive the twelve minutes into town for some Mexican food, which ends up feeling like an accomplishment I check off on my mental checklist (Yep, definitely a thing.)

I enjoy organization, planning, and strategy and learning new things. Starting my MBA last year could be equated to someone else getting a sweet new ankle tat.

I have always had anxiety and periodic bouts of depression, and struggle with self-esteem and confidence, ironically most specifically with my writing which is one of my passions.

I know what you are thinking now… “Damn, she sounds super hot and spontaneous.”

Well, thank you for saying that, but it’s just not true.

With my aversion to messes (and sometimes creativity in general,) disorganization and chaos, naturally, I married a free-spirited, entrepreneurial, musician, who can literally turn anything into an instrument and likes to climb tall rocks and periodically jump out of airplanes just to see if he’s still afraid of heights…

No, this isn’t the plot for an upcoming novel, this is real life. My life. And I love it.

Opposites attract and repel as comically as you’ve seen on TV in our household. From discussions of hyper-organization to why humming isn’t always needed, we cover a lot of hard-hitting and hot topics.

I’ll be sure to tell you all stories as they pop up.