I’m having the best night ever. It’s Saturday night, its raining in San Diego, we have a fire roaring in our wood burning stove, we’re drinking the-wizard-of-oz-516687_1280a local brewery’s porter, eating mint chocolate chip ice cream in pajamas all while watching the Wizard of Oz. The only thing that could make it better would be to watch Star Wars after this, which we’ve just committed to.

This got me thinking, Introverts truly are the most low maintenance dates ever.

Check out the 5 reasons why I think Introverts are the lowest maintenance folks:

1. Appreciate the Little Things

Introverts appreciate all things big and small….but specifically the small and intimate. At least for me, the more flamboyant and extravagant the event, the more uncomfortable I am. Introverts enjoy small gatherings with people they care about, doing meaningful things.

Learn what your introvert enjoys, or something they loved doing growing up ( such as watching the Wizard of Oz….) and plan a night around that.

2. We’re Cheap Datespop-corn-702941_1280

Since we love the little things, typically little things are inexpensive. We enjoy quiet picnics, movie nights indoors and the occasional dinner out. All in all, the less complicated the event the more happy we are.

3. Dressed to the 4’s

Forget dressing to the 9’s – we dawn our best sweat pants and ugg boots for our ideal date night. I’m talking messy buns, no make up, sports bra under your fav college sweater. Comfy is king for the introverted.

hamburger-494706_12804. Ditch the Steak and Lobster

Recently my husband and I have started focusing on eating more at home. We alternate nights cooking dinner and have really come to enjoy it! We found that we were spending too much time and money eating out when really we could make our favorite foods at home and share our upbringing with each other. Forget the steak and lobster, bring on the gourmet grilled cheese and semi successful chicken piccata.

5. Easily entertainedold-books-436498_1280

I joke all the time that I’m entertained by wall paper and its true. I can count on one hand the times I’ve told someone that I was “bored.” Introverts have a tendency to find stuff to keep them busy. Whether it’s a new idea, a new book or a new show on Netflix, Introverts are always busy.  Any date idea is a good one, and if stuff goes wrong and we end up watching tv in pjs even better!


Wrong kind of fire, but you get the idea 🙂

In short, less is more, and if it’s personal and meaningful even better! Home made dinner, movies I’ve already seen a million times and a nice fire burning and I’m a happy camper.

Gotta run, Empire Strikes Back is starting!

Share your ideal introverted date nights below!