CJ_Finals (84 of 738)

Meet the Life Introverted Team!

C.L.C. Hasz is an ostentatious introvert who finds serenity in a well-organized spreadsheet, climbing giant rocks, or binge-watching Netflix with her bestie. She is a Project Manager by day, creative writer by night, who loves a perfectly timed movie reference in casual conversation, and introducing noobs to the incredible world of Star Wars.  She enjoys doing her best Gumby impression on the yoga mat, photographing her husband’s epic beard and catching up on her fiction filled reading list. Reality is non-fiction, and we all need a break from that now and then right?

Catch up on Twitter and Instragram @life1ntroverted.

  • PMP certified Project Manager
  • Free-lance writer
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

Introvert or not, we all have something to say.

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